Saturday, December 27, 2008

Up and running

La mia amica Nancy sent me this. I showed it to Naomi, Ms. Literal. She said, so what? it is just some women sitting on rubber balls.

It is 'unseasonably' warm today. The rain stopped, the sun came out and I hauled my flabby, hairless carcass out for the first time in almost 2 weeks and went for a run. I felt good-I was finally doing something positive. Most of the time this cycle I physically could not run except for the last 2 days and then the roads were impassable-yesterday's glare ice for instance. I am only feeling queasy some of the day now though the insides of my mouth are very sensitive. I stupidly used regular mouthwash-ow,ow,ow. My hair stopped falling out. What is left is very sparse inch long very white coarse hair. All of the non-white hair is gone. I guess I'll have 2 more good days until Tuesday-Cycle 3.

Yesterday was 'my day' with Oliver and Shanna except for a period that they went bowling with Ramy's dad. Naomi went with them and I guess I could have gone too but I hate bowling. We went out to lunch so Shanna and I could have arroz con mariscos. Later we made dinner. Shanna at one point said something that she could never have her favorite foods due to my peculiar food aversions so I made her banana pudding from scratch-bananas being on my list. We went to lunch today at Josh's house though somehow we ended up bringing the lunch. Julia was working.
They are all gone now though they will drop Oliver off later with us while they go bar hopping.

Oliver is very charming. Last night right before his bedtime so he was a little crabby, I told him that dreaded word NO and his little lower lip started to tremble and he looked so miserable but cute so I laughed at him and he laughed back but remembered he was mad at me and made the sad face again. Again I laughed and so did he. Naomi was trying to film it but as soon as he sees a camera, he looks straight into it and smiles.

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