Saturday, August 21, 2010

Morning glories

First pale blue morning glory despite all my many vines. Looks like I will have a few tomorrow too

The smaller purple variety. I had over 30 blossoms today

There was an article in the WSJ a few months back how rare true blue flowers are, but even in my humble collection, I have a few: delphiniums (sadly deceased during my absence) flax, bachelor's buttons, lobelia, bluets, and now my lone morning glory blossom. I also have 3 other plants that I don't know the names of. It is raining steadily now though this does not prevent the 2 female hummingbirds from fighting around the feeder. They try to ensure that the other does not get to drink. I don't mind running in the drizzle. I didn't go far as it will turn into thunderstorms soon.
I have posted a picture of Jupiter on my Perseid post (8-13?)and when Naomi shares her pictures with me, I will post more.

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