Saturday, July 25, 2009

Deer, Hummingbirds and S'mores

I am waiting for the rain to stop so I can get a run in. Although I don't mind rain once I've started, I find it is hard to get going initially. Seems like in 2 hours it will be gone.

My friend whose house I was at last night lives in the country so she gets a lot more wildlife than I do in my suburban house. Many more hummingbirds and finches but she also has deer who eat her plants but are fun to watch. A mom and her twin fawns, still with spots, visited us while we sat on the deck drinking 'remedies'-a ginger-lemon based drink. A stag would run through too. As night fell, the wind died down and the mosquitoes came out but the firepit deterred them quite a bit. Her lone bat came out to swoop some of them up. The fire-flies were out too though not in the numbers that they have been in years past. We cooked s'mores over the fire. (Are they called that in the UK and Wales?) It was a very pleasant evening with a good friend, good conversation and good food.


Sara Diana said...

Hi Sue,
I dont know what S'mores are?

As for your ex-friend, perhaps you need closure on this. Maybe you should contact her and ask her why she is the way she is or write her a note to tell her how hurt you are. Whatever you do, do it for you and for your peace of mind, not for her.

I love running in the rain but it is a bit of a psychological barrier. One I must get over if I aim to do the Snowdonia Marathon lol!

I love wild life too and I love hearing about it.

Don't worry too much about the ex friend, you have plenty of friends around us including me xxx

Alli said...

Hi Sue,
You painted a lovely visual with the deer & fawns.....Funny how people are still terrified of bats but they have the cutest faces.

About your unfriend...I recently had to put some closure on one too. We were quite close, we talked regularly, called frequently but then everything came to a halt. I beat myself up trying to think what did I do why did the communicating suddenly end? I just didn't get it. it dawned on me one day this person was not who they claimed to be. Because if they were there would have been some explaination, frankly I got tired of asking. I sent a note telling them this was the last time they would hear from me. I did what I could to get through but they made no effort. I wished them well, told them I did appreciate the time we shared but it is no longer in my best interest to continue. Once I did that, it was over because nothing more needed saying or doing. Life is to darn short.
we are your friends here too, remember that !!


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