Monday, February 9, 2009

Naomi I Moan

Oliver enjoying his birthday cake

The palidromic title is fitting. It didn't take too long today to get on her bad side. Usually the bus picks her up in front of the house around 6:45 am. First of all she is furious that she needs to take a bus at all as she is a senior. I used driver's training as a reward for reasonable grades in school. When this did not occur, she did not receive driver's training until this fall. The earliest she can legally get her license is at the end of next month when she turns 18. She left the house today at 6:45. I waited 5 minutes to let Spud out, who was anxious to get out the door. Unfortunately, the bus hadn't come yet and we ran into a furious Naomi embarassed by both Spud and myself. It was also cold. We all had to wait an uncomfortable 10 minutes while Naomi ranted about the indignity of it all while Spud paced.
She thinks the seas will part when she turns 18 in 6 weeks. Acrylic nails, various piercings, boyfriend visitations, unrestricted driving-all of which she thinks are adult 'rights'.
Yesterday her team travelled to E. Lansing to see S, a former teammate, play on OSU's bball team vs MSU. Shavelle also is a first cousin of Naomi's boyfriend, the mythical Dante. Unfortunately, S was injured early on in the game and was crying as she limped off court. Some MSU fan shouted "There is no crying in basketball" and Naomi's whole team turned on him.
I am impatiently waiting for the temp to rise so I can run without slipping on the ice on my last good day before being poisoned again tomorrow. In the meantime, I am trying to envision a world that doesn't revolve around my cancer. For starters, I do have a break in between chemo and radiation that I can fly with Shanna and Oliver to Seattle to visit his great-aunt Maddy and great grandma. Still toying with the logisitics of that. Also in the late fall, a trip with my friend Teri in CA.
I will go to a movie tonight with the Moms That Have Been Left Behind. Two of the moms are in warmer climes  leaving the three of us though one of us gets to go to Africa soon.

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