Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice

The longest day and also the hottest day. I am waiting for the traffic to clear before I do my intermediate length bike ride. Fortunately I can bike semi-comfortably when it is in the 80s. Running more than a few miles would be impossible. It didn't reach 90 until noon yesterday so I was able to bike and run.

These are the lazy days of summer. Not much to blog about. I had a project that had to be finished Monday so I spent all day missing my yoga class. In the morning, my favorite time, I drink my coffee (prepared by Steve, he thinks I make too much of a mess if I do it myself) on the patio seeing what flowers have bloomed overnight and dead-heading the ones that have faded. Half of my lilies are in bloom so things are especially pretty now. The hummingbirds are most active in the early morning and in the evening.

Yesterday all the grandbabies were over. Maya still just signs to communicate. The other day while I was taking her picture, I asked her to smile. Instead she gave the sign for 'smile'. Hopefully there is a point in which the signing transitions into spoken language. According to all these tests, she is normal in all other aspects.  She is quite co-ordinated and likes to make up dance moves.

They are all so different. I was helping Daniel put together a puzzle yesterday. His brother when much younger was putting together puzzles for 8 year olds. Daniel struggled with this age appropriate puzzle. However, his vocabulary is quite advanced. No speech therapy will be needed for him.

Ms. Tess born the day after spring started, has lived through one whole season. Soon she will need the same size diaper as Maya. She is quite the dumpling. However most of the plump breast fed babies I know ended up quite slim by their 2nd birthday, especially her mother.

They are doing a very noisy construction project in front of my house much to the delight of the boys. All kinds of noisy equipment. I had Maya help me water the flowers, with the temps in the mid 90s, they certainly need it.

The exercise class for Livestrong alums resumes next week. I could work on toning my body. Between babysitting and training for that bike ride, some how time is slipping away.

Oh my experiment in nuking corn? I had to cook 5 ears at Josh's the other day. 12 minutes did the trick though the husks didn't fall off as nicely as the one in my class.

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