Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pool and Flower Days

My red mullein finally bloomed. The plant is out of scale for my rock garden but I love the flowers. I soon will have edelweiss too, rabbits willing.
One advantage of the condo we bought is the use of a beautiful pool. It is even nicer and closer than our neighborhood pool that we used to belong to. Yesterday Naomi, Maya and I had the place to ourselves. The hot Memorial Day crowds had gone away. Maya is learning to propel herself by kicking. What I should be doing is swimming laps. I haven't seriously swam since I was pregnant with Naomi swimming a mile on the morning that my water broke. But with me running and now biking, I don't think I can fit it in.

I am way behind in my gardening. Today is the Farmer's Market so I got up early while the parking is available and free to start to fill in my bleak patio. So far, 3 baskets, some herbs and impatiens for my 3 bags. I found some of my carnations sprouting in my yard, since transplanted and my zinnia seeds just germinated. A big mystery, who would steal my bromeliad attached to the fence? Maybe the robbing robins. It does look like nesting material.

Josh came over last night to at least close the window of his car that we now have (a 3 person operation) so that I am not stranded here. Julia now wants to see if the marriage could be saved. No one knows what is going on, most of all Josh.

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