Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mixed marriages

I am not writing of couples from different faiths or different races though plenty of that in our extended family but when the couple has very different political views. In the WSJ today they discussed such a couple. The man entrusted his wife to mail his absentee ballot. She thought to herself, what is the right thing to do here? and threw it in the trash. Somehow he figured it out from his voting records. Steve would know better to have me mail his absentee ballot in (and he will have one as he is an election official with no time to go out and vote). I hang up on anyone associated with 'his' candidates though to be fair, I don't listen to robocalls from anyone.
He and I were more or less on the same page when we married but some how he changed and not for the better. We do not discuss it as even dancing around related subjects has resulted in him not speaking for a week. He keeps a blog in which he can express what I believe is his very wrong thinking. He writes well but I have no idea how he came to think this way. I haven't looked at this blog for a long time as it depresses me how far apart our thinking is. I can hear him typing away so I know he still keeps it. I am hoping this is just a phase that he will grow out of.

But he is not alone in his thinking. (If he were, there would be no problem). Facebook is now becoming a place to express ones political views and I really hate it when people I care about seem to think differently from me. Yeah I could post back but I am thinking, there is no changing people. Have to love them despite their wrong-headedness.

Steve was able to retrieve Josh's phone for him with a minimal finder's fee (the guy had asked about one-fortunately he didn't see the $100 reward). He seemed happy with $20 plus Josh had given him a big tip before.

Now to deal with our landlord problems....

1 comment:

francisca said...

"I haven't looked at this blog for a long time as it depresses me how far apart our thinking is. I can hear him typing away so I know he still keeps it. I am hoping this is just a phase that he will grow out of.

But he is not alone in his thinking. (If he were, there would be no problem). Facebook is now becoming a place to express ones political views and I really hate it when people I care about seem to think differently from me. Yeah I could post back but I am thinking, there is no changing people. Have to love them despite their wrong-headedness."

I am here to read about the cancer survivor situation rather than your personality issues. BUT I did a double-take and read the above excerpt over three times.

Those poor poor people in your life. How do they cope with a mindset like yours. Whew!!! I would imagine they would take to drugs or commit suicide or something.


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