Saturday, April 2, 2011


I learned a new word today..Abulia, not to be confused with Apulia, the anglicized version of Puglia,  the region of Italy that makes up the heel. Abulia is the lack of ambition or the lack of desire to better oneself. Hmmm..I think I know of a few local cases. There seems to be no opposite of this word (bulia? not to be confused with my DIL Julia who one could say represented the opposite of abulia). There is a Madame Bovary syndrome from my favorite book in which the husband has no ambition but the wife has plenty only the times dictate that she must serve her ambition through him.

The flock of vultures seemed to have moved into our neighborhood. I hadn't seen them here before (just 'out in the country' during my runs). After my run, I walked in the woods nearby hoping to hear the peepers in the pond there but they were silent. Very fat squirrels chased each other, the winter must not have been too hard on them. Aside from the 4 vultures, there was a hawk there being chased by smaller birds.

Yesterday after my babysitting stint, I surveyed our venue for the reception.

This is 2 views of the main room looking south then north. There is a kitchen/bar area to the left of the bottom picture. There is also a small deck overlooking the pool. As can be seen in the first picture, there is a lounge area filled with lounge chairs and a grand piano. Maybe appetizers can be served in there. Included in the price (which is fortunately minimal) are about 12 rectangular tables that could seat 8 or 10. Someone would prefer round tables.

Lots of work ahead. Unfortunately, I have a case of abulia.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I love learning new words.


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