Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

When Shanna first told me about the possibility of Baby Girl last summer while I was trolling the Target aisles, I thought maybe s/he will be a Leap Baby but unless something happens in the next 14 hours (which I suppose it can), this will not be. Just as well as we would have to plow through a major snow storm that is between here and there. The Big Ice Storm missed us thankfully.  Two degrees too warm.

Maya is too ill to attend her class and therapy session today. Steve and his 4 person  crew had a 14.5 hour shift yesterday for all of three voters. These student wards need to be consolidated...

1 comment:

Teri Bernstein said...

My first grand-niece is now overdue, and they might be inducing labor today, so there MIGHT be a leap-baby in our family...or maybe both babies will be born next week, when they are good and ready...


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