Thursday, October 1, 2020

Backyard camping

Steve's cousin's granddaughter a few ears back dressed up as our heroine Ruth Ginsberg. If onl she could have survived a bit longer. Her grandma passed away last weekend. She had collapsed at her husband's funeral in February and never recovered
New angel
Doesn't he look menacing? He is only about the fourth one I have found in my life
Josh bought a teeppe for the occasion. The other tent is mine though I slept inside the house
the kids roasted hot dogs and sausages over our portable fire pit. Later smores and fruit pies in cast iron sandwich makers
Maya had to go to her father's right after this photo was taken but she enjoyed pounding in the tent stakes and seeing her cousins

My world has gotten smaller since this covid disaster. The farthest I have travelled is 25 miles from home No world travelling for me despite all the plans I had made. If it weren't for our inept idiot in charge, this would have been over or perhaps not even started had he not dismembered the pandemic team but it will go on and on  in part because he insists on his ego massaging in person rallies. If only they would keep the virus to themselves!

Josh was going to take the girls camping in a friend's backyard but the friend backed out. Shanna and her daughter were invited. It was a warm night and calm. He had some ghost stories on tape. We kept a door open to our house for potty breaks. I had coffee, homemade pancakes  and bacon ready in the morning.

Mother's group the next night. It was still warm for our social distancing outside. My dessert: rhubarb pie, the plant that keeps on producing.. Still toasty for my long bike ride the next day but by Monday, the weather went bad. met a friend for lunch outside on what was supposed to be the warmest and driest day. It was cold and rain though I dressed for it. Still it was a nice break from my daily solitude.

Ah the debate. I could not watch it. It was obvious and predictable. The plan was to bait Biden until he exploded. Anyone could see this coming especially Biden and his handlers so he was prepared. Did the debate change any ones mind? Probably not. Are there any undecideds left n the country? I doubt it.

We can agree on one thing: we are truly divided. I run by a Trump sign daily (actually many signs but this one is special) Aside from the usual Keep America Great (really? all those dead) this one in big letters says Stop the Bullshit so kids passing by can associate these words with the president.

I continue to run and bike though the temps are getting lower and lower. The leaves changed overnight. We had one mild frost that killed about 10% of my plants but it is going to be harder to avoid more frosts.


Elephant's Child said...

I watch the news (undoubtedly fake) from your side of the world in horror.
Love that there is still some fun to be found.

Snowbrush said...

If a person here in Eugene posted a Trump sign or flag, he/she would be at risk of having it vandalized. Out in the country, it's a different matter.

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

Here we have security cameras all over the place. As much as I would love to vandalize these signs, the owners would see me and shoot me.


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