Thursday, September 17, 2020

Zoom school


Of all the grandchildren, only Hannah has in person school. There are 5 kids in her pre school class
She is excited about her first day of school
The west coast fires caused the ash to diffuse the sun such as we can look directly at it. Some mornings it is a huge red ball

toad lily
first mums
On my long Sunday bike rides, I go by this David statue which is often dressed for the occasion
Have 4 frogs in my pond now
Allie's work station. Usually the dog is on her feet
First day of Covid home school Shanna keeps them in one room. They wear headphones to not disturb the others
We had them all over for Labor day, the day before 'school' began

They changed Blogger yet again. So annoying.
86% of the Michigan school districts opted to have in person classrooms. Despite numerous precautions, many of them had to close down. The three different school districts my grandchildren go to have only on-line learning. The colleges that opened are now Covid hotbeds, especially large state schools. All you need is less than 10% irresponsible people and the virus goes haywire.

Again, how badly has this been managed? He opted not to tell us because he didn't want the country to panic. So if a house  is on fire, do you not tell the residents to get out because it would upset them? Such illogic. And he continues to have his self adulation rallies unmasked..they do sign a waiver not to hold him responsible. Could they sign one saying they will not go to the hospital if ill?

Virtual learning is especially hard for Maya. Naomi has to monitor every movement. They have to click on various links, many of  which do not work so Naomi is constantly trouble shooting. Some of the kids thought they could just use their parent's computers. No, the Chromebooks are especially loaded with the necessary programs. I did watch Maya's virtual gym class in which the teacher shouted out instructions for the kids to do various calisthenics and yoga poses. And we have internet and computers? What happens in other places?

Again this would have been over if we weren't 'led' by an idiot.

Aside from our hazy skies, we can breathe. Not so much on the West Coast. And then there is the Gulf coast ravaged yet again by floods.

I've been biking with only a rear derailleur for 2 years. Doesn't matter much with the mild hills around here though going up some of the big hills up north last summer was a challenge. But for the past week, I rode with both derailleurs broken. A single high gear. I definitely got a work out muscling up the hills here. Finally my official repair appointment was Tuesday. A zillion dollars later, everything is working now.

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

I find Zoom challenging and would definitely struggle if it was my only education option.
I watch the news about the fires in reminiscent horror. And fear that they will be repeated here this year as our summer looms.
And don't get me started on the man who is profiting from his presidency.


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