Allie and Hannah came over the other day |
not sure about Poppa Steve |
Went to an art fair with a friend: Got this clock and a very cool top for myself |
And at a resale shop, an interesting folk art doll for my doll wall |
And a set of hand painted champagne flutes |
daffodils are blooming all over |
the crocuses in the shade. The ones in the sun are past their prime |
Things are finally getting back to normal after 5 days of being home. I was very nervous about weighing myself as we did have a lot of meals out. The worst, weigh-wise, was sharing a huge appetizer platter at a Mexican restaurant in Scottsdale along with a margarita. Also every night I would have a glass, if not two, of wine. It was so pleasant to sit outside in beautiful surroundings though we were not able to use the deck in Flagstaff overlooking the mountains thanks to bad weather. I ran every day excepting the first travelling day and the day we first went to the Grand Canyon though I certainly hiked a lot. I brought along my portable gym, a series of big rubber bands but did I use them? Nope. But drumroll please: I lost almost 3 pounds though maybe most of that was due to the last few days of restraint and extra exercise. It has been a long 6 months (and a week) since I started this and sadly I am not finished though I am close. More than 52 pounds. The few size 10s I have are fitting comfortably. I haven't taken the acid blockers in 4 months so that is a success. And excepting this nasty area under my upper arms, I am quite firm. My belly is flat.
As for that raspberry jelly skin condition surrounding 1 inch around my lips, on top it is just peeling skin. The scabs are gone. I keep rubbing creams into it. The skin under my lip is still pale purple instead of bright purple starting from bright red but is not so noticeable.
I didn't miss any good weather here while I was gone as it rained almost every day here. And for more fun, 3 inches of snow was predicted for the day we returned but that didn't happen. It finally turned into spring this weekend. I run to the constant peeping of the frogs and can hear the bizarre vocalizations of the cranes. Also I got my bike back with new parts and all tuned up. I will switch to less running and more biking as I need to be in shape for my 2 big rides. It will be fun not to have to drag an extra 60-65 pounds (being optimistic here) up those hills. My juncos, aka snow birds, still are around but soon will leave for the Arctic. The gold finch males are now bright yellow instead of olive brown so they are quite pretty.
The Chosen Sisters aka The Moms met last week. As usual, lots of fun. I did not bake a dessert as usual but made sundaes from various gelatos, cookie bits, almonds and chocolate. We went to an art fair in Northville where I got the clock. Perhaps I will soon model my new top along with my not so obese body.
What's in my future? Next week the dreaded mammogram. It would be nice not to be called back for a series of expensive scans. Hopefully no change from last year. Also a couple of lunches with friends. And I am having Easter for the kids and their kids though the weather predicted is not good for an outside egg hunt. My gardens need a lot of tending. The biggest weed? Grass. Steve has gotten the mowers tuned and sharpened, working on as I type getting new Freon for the old car air conditioner (this car 10 years old has never needed work before) and the sprinklers experts will be here in 2 weeks. And 2 bike rides this summer in July and August. An anniversary trip to be arranged. Spain? And in the next spring, my college friend wants to go biking in Belgium with me. She did the Michigander with me 4 years ago and also went to Italy with me when I finished my cancer treatment, which meant so, so much to me.
And tonight, Miss Maya.