Monday, October 12, 2020

My quotidian covid life

My bunny has doubled in size in the last few weeks Here he is munching on a zinnia
At least we have nice fall colors to run and bike through  I've been doing this a lot lately
We had two mild frosts that killed maybe 20 % of my plants though a worse frost is coming in a few days. This is my giant pot of coleus
lots of dahlias. I will buy more next year
We see her a lot. Ann Arbor will not have in person schools until next year. Meanwhile Allie starts today and some of Shanna's kids begin half days in a few weeks

 sadly my photos don't show how nice the colors are.   I go through tunnels of color

I don't blog much anymore. I started blogging in the summer of 2008 as I had a summer abroad in Abruzzo Italy and I thought blogging would be an efficient way of documenting my stay. After I returned I included reports from my trips to England and Spain..

I started a new blog not long after I returned when I found I had triple negative breast cancer calling it Sue in the Land of Cancer. It was a whole new world and not very pleasant. I naively thought only those who I had sent a link to could read it but no, it was where anyone could find it. This would later get me in trouble for my over sharing. I am much more careful now. But the plus side is  I found ladies going through the same experience as me; a lady in Chicago, another in Seattle and one in Olney Maryland. They have moved on. I later became friends wih a lady in Niagara Falls an, one in LA and one in Portland. I've met the latter two in person Sadly one took her life 8 months ago.

As I had seemed to survive, I got strong hints that it was time to move on. Why was I still obsessed with cancer when  I didn't seem to even have it? People who never had cancer were especially fond of telling me this.  Though my type of cancer has a high chance of recurrence, it happens sooner than later and although I had some (expensive) false alarms, cancer was a smaller and smaller part of my life until two years ago when I found out I have the bad gene. I have tried to minimize my risks. I hope I truly\\escaped cancer though I have watched friends die with it.

My life is not bad. I can stay away from Covid hotspots and my finances are not dependent much on Covid causing shut downs. I am frustrated that this did not have to be. If only our Government wasn't run by science hating idiots and although he was quick to take credit for medical advances that he had absolutely nothing to do with. He is what he is. No lessons learned by his alleged bout with Covid. Some say he never had it. It is his blind adoring fans I can not abide with.

So how do I wile away the hours? I have to wait longer for the sun to come up these days and out I go for at least an hour running or biking. I rode my bike yesterday morning for 33 miles. I am gardening less now but in the spring and summer, this took up several hours. I still study languages, currently Spanish but go back to Italian and French to make sure I don't forget them. Where do they speak Hoch Deutsch? Not in Bavaria where I was and where I will be in my next trip when the vaccine comes out and if Europe ever lets us in. I don't blame them for not trusting us as collectively we are idiots though your average antimasker probably has no ambitions for world travel. Attempting to kidnap our governor and then execute her for daring to say you should wear a mask is more their cup of tea. How did we come to this?

The humming birds left two weeks ago. Some migratory birds are paying a short visit.

I did vote already dropping my ballot in a locked dropbox. Not at all confident Trump will ever go away.

I keep busy I see my family and grandbabies and my friends at a  distance. At night Steve and I stream various shows currently Babylon Berlin

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

I am glad that your life is busy and safe.
Like you I fear that Trump will not go away. Which worries me.


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