Friday, September 23, 2022

A day of art

 Almost every year Grand Rapids, Michigan’s second city, hosts ArtPrize mainly in its downtown. It used to be huge but even though it is drastically downsized it still is fun to go to. 

I liked the Hillow man
This is only a third of the exhibit 
My favorite by far: a collection of broken vases with historical sciences inside. There was about 15 of these
Moving colored lights kept casting different shadows on this paper creation 
These birch trees are made of hundreds of punched out paper. a close up a few pictures down

The eagle is cool and is on its way to winning the top prize but still prefer the clay jars
Another clay jar. Of course I loaded these all together but somehow they get disordered
This yard used to have fifty exhibits. Now just a few
This train exhibit consists of somewhat famous Midwest bridges. Steve loved it

The famous blue bridge 
Also a visitor favorite next to a standing Kodiak bear
Bejeweled horse
Covid pregnant lady

Another pot
Close up of the paper punches used to make the birch trees
Bejeweled cat

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