Saturday, January 9, 2021

Sedition! (To the tune of Tradition from Fiddler on the Roof)

some of my glassware including my new old fashioned glasses from Shanna
Yes we have  snow and it has not gone away so on the treadmill alot
my jacuzzi  minus the  candles and the gingerblossom bubbles Awaiting my spa pillow
different colors
she turned 4
lots of amaryllis 
another one
new toy, a lens ball

 still playing around with it

a small plane crashed  last weekend 5 houses  over from Josh. The 3 people in the plane died. the people in the house survived

What a start to the new year!  It started pretty boringly here. Early to bed, no parties, nothing special. Fell asleep watching True Detective (season 1 best; season 2 worst)

I get a call from Josh who was preparing a birthday party for Hannah that I was not invited to because I'm not in their bubble though the other gramma is and more recklessly, the aunt is. A plane just crashed, got to go.

What? He lives very close to a regional airport. He heard it buzz loudly  over his head then an abrupt stop. It hit the dirt first sparing the 5 occupants of the house who had just moved away from the room that took the direct hit

At the same time rump was alternatingly wheedling and threatening the Georgia election head for a full hour to lie about the results. No can do. He is my hero but after he had to be  escorted to safety once the deplorables caught wind of this The whole phone call was recorded. I listened to some of the highlights, such  a sickening psychopath but the upside a few days later, the Democrats got control of the Senate.Stacey Abrams got the vote out and rump discouraged his followers  A two prong operation with help from an angel and the orange devil himself.

Desperate psychos call for desperate measures .A day later he and his sick sycophant' Rudy are firing up the mob on the Ellipse urging them to break into the Capital and stop the vote. C'mon I'll lead you marching down Pennsylvania Avenue.  The mob with all their flags, Confederate, Nazi, went to task. Did they notice their fearless leader had slipped away to watch it on TV? Once the seat of our government was breached, he did nothing to stop it grousing how low class his supporters looked. Were they to commit treason in 3 piece suits? Once they started smashing things he finally tweeted them to go home adding that they were very special people and that he loved them. He had the crowd turn on Pence who has spent more than 4 years sucking up to him but finally told him , no I can't singlehandedly turn over the election. Fine thanks he got. My favorite scene was the young woman whining that she got maced when she only wanted to commit treason. Well she was dressed better with her piano scarf. Always pays to be fashionable when staging a coup Lots of funny memes by black people saying white people don't know shit about committing crimes. Where's the mask? Why film yourself and turn to the camera and give your full name and address.

Of course they saw themselves fulfulling some holy mission turning the government over to its rightful dictator and  false orange god. There must be some reward for them for this. When will they realize they are just useful idiots. Some of their employers recognized them and promptly fired them. Others are getting jail time. Perhaps they will be pardoned?

In the end, the vote continued and certified the election. His faithful are bailing right and left especially those with deep pockets. The hoi polloi however still insist that democrats somehow staged this The orange demon is scrambling for alternate means of reaching them as he has finally been cut off of Twitter.


Elephant's Child said...

From this side of the world it feels as if I have been watching a four year plane crash....
And I note that some at least of your conservative media insisting that this wasn't tRump supporters but antifa in disguise.

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

nothing will shake the true faithfuls beliefs and those pandering to them but I think he finally lost some support

I finally was able to go out for a bike ride hoping to see the trump signs gone. A few are now gone but sadly a few remain


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