Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Who's zooming who

one of my quarantine projects: empty various bowls and boxes of jewelry and put it on the 6 sides of this screen in our bedroom. Still have lights on it and a few Xmas ornaments on it

I had wrapped a few necklaces around these bottles

haven't seen Josh's kids in 5 weeks

it was my birthday yesterday. Shanna made me a raspberry pavlova

Steve's uncle, a victim of Covid at age 98. A zoom funeral will be today

virtual birthday card from Allie
sunrise this morning
Zoom funeral. Who would have thought to put these words together a few months ago? But we live in a different world now. As for Zoom, excepting for a few hiccups on the learning curve, we have been proficiently zooming away, me with our weekly Happy Hours with the Moms, Steve with a zoom birthday party of his brother-in-law and another get together with some of his many cousins and aunt and later today a Zoom funeral for his uncle. This uncle has not left his house in months but care givers come and go. I came across a new term for the covid deniers: Branch Covidians. These imbeciles deny that there is any danger from the virus and all the stay at home edicts are just excuses to keep them from exercising their right to prance around with their Confederate flags and Swastikas'. Of course they are just extending the time of the quarantine. The worst is that Trump is encouraging them: they are fine people. I truly wish their demise. Too bad they will take innocents along with them. Another Trump trick: being first in line for the business bailouts. That would be fine if it were going to his employees but you know it will all go into his filthy pockets.  I assume he is encouraging his base to ensure that someone votes for him. The world hopes is that he is overestimating their numbers.

It always rains on my birthday but this year, none was in the forecast. I started out in the sun perpendicular to a very strong wind and ran south. One bright side (about the only side) of the Covid mess is that the roads are traffic free so I can actually cross a major highway during what was rush hour. As soon as I turned north, the sky darkened, the wind shifted to in my face and I was pelted with ice pellets, not sure if it was sleet or graupel. Quite a bit left on the road even though it was marginally above freezing. By the time I inched home, sunny again.

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

Happy belated birthday.
Funerals here have been limited to a maxiumum of ten people (including the funeral home staff). We see many notices now saying that the funeral was private and a memorial will be held later.
We see the deniers on our television news. Sadly one at least asserted that God was her vaccine.


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