Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Life in quarantine

Xmas in April


I've been trying to see my photos online. So far I've earned $7

crocus are blooming
I really don't see an end to this. If only we had listed to the pandemic experts....Too bad our president is illiterate. People are dying and all he does is tell everyone what a great job he is doing.

I used Zoom for the first time last week to hold a virtual Happy Hour with my friends

Fortunately the weather has been nice so lots of running and bicycling on my part. Deserted roads.

As Naomi lost her restaurant job due to the restaurant closing for the virus, she is entitled to unemployment but the server kept crashing and it wasn't clear what steps she had to take. So far she has received nothing because she didn't jump through the required hoops which were not explained anywhere. And there are no humans to call. Very frustrating.


Elephant's Child said...

I hope Naomi can find the hoops and jump through them quickly.
So far we seem to have escaped the worst of the virus. So far.
Stay well, stay safe.

Snowbrush said...

Peggy and I are avoiding people almost completely (she took a walk with a friend this week, but they kept a six foot space between them) I even had an online doctor's appt this week. Food? It's all being delivered. Sounds like you're doing the same.

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

We also had numerous hoops to jump through for health insurance. She used to get Medicaid but was cut off recently as she was earning too much money. She was offered fairly cheap health insurance at work but only a few weeks into that, she was laid off. Initially she was told she just had to pay what she had been but they changed their mind and the price went up 3 fold, which she can't afford. We did find a plan on the marketplace website but it doesn't start until May I. So she has 3 weeks to stay healthy.

Steve does go out with a mask, gloves and hand sanitizer to get food. Traffic inside the store is one way so social distancing can be practiced. I live in a very sparsely populated area so plenty of room to bike and run without coming near anyone. We haven't peaked yet in Michigan. Scary times.


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