Friday, March 18, 2011

A moms' group of ones own

There seems to be no shortage of 'babies having babies'. Naomi recently started her own group of young moms with babies to meet once a week. It turns out that Baby Lily lives only 2 minutes away by walking. There are 2 other young moms who couldn't make the first meeting. But the moms all have similar issues and it is good not to be so isolated. I know I treasure the time spent in my moms' group.

It was almost 70 yesterday. Alas a lot of the day was spent helping Naomi study. Julia was not able to go out with us as she had a test last night but Steve, Josh and I had a nice Italian dinner..I love Bolognese sauce. Downtown was extremely busy with St. Pat's celebrants all over the place. One had to be very careful driving as drunken students would suddenly dart in front of us.

Despite the warmth, there are still snow mountains around. I ran on the dirt road today as it finally could be trusted to be ice free.  In shorts, yay!

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