Thursday, March 17, 2011

The birthday couple

Technically it is only Josh's birthday as Julia's was 10 days ago but we are celebrating them both tonight, difficult because the restaurants will be crowded tonight. Twenty-nine years: how time flies!

I drove myself to the hospital the night I went into labor with Josh. Steve was already in the ER dealing with a racquetball injury. After I dropped him off, I took Shanna, then 2, home to be with my in-laws. I packed and returned to the hospital. I was in early labor. I should have stayed home longer but I didn't think I could deal with a hysterical MIL and contractions at the same time.

Although the ER was packed that night and by triage, Steve was way down on the list as he just needed stitches for his split open forehead, the labor and delivery unit was quiet. For hours I was the only patient. After the nurse had efficiently taken my history, a med student showed up to take one also. At one point he accused me of misrepresenting my contractions.

Now you said you were having contractions every 5 minutes and I've been timing you. Six minutes have gone by and no contraction!

Oh you got me. I'm clearly faking this. Then while I was having a contraction, he kept repeating the same question over and over impatient that I wasn't answering immediately. When it was finally over, I told him that while someone is having a contraction, this is not the time to expect an answer and now the history is over.

But I need to take so many histories and you are the only patient!

Too bad. Check the nurse's notes and construct one.

Not much was happening. I was told to walk and walk and maybe something would. Second labors are supposed to be quicker but this was the exception to the rule. My doctor was not on call and his partner had no interest in coming in to see me. He ordered something to make me sleep. I slept for about 4 hours waking up drowsily for the contractions. Finally the next morning it seemed that I was actually dilating and my doctor made an appearance. He said something about me being in a good pattern now and the baby would be here soon.
Soon? How soon? I've been here a long time and basically I feel the same.I want a time.
He said by noon which was in 3 hours. Fine. I would be 'good' until then.

By then, the place was hopping with babies. Since I had several high risk factors, I needed a delivery room but none were available when I wanted to push. I was left in a hallway fighting the urge. Finally they cleaned up an abandoned one and Josh was out within minutes of me making that difficult transition onto the table.He was not a pretty baby with his swollen and bruised face. I am a large woman but still, a 10 lb baby just doesn't easily slide down. But he was healthy and strong, all I cared about at the moment. And I had the baby at 11:30 am so I did get him in before noon.

He has been a joy to raise and I treasure our relationship since he has become an adult.

Oh it is spring today! Sunny and warm. Too bad I have to tutor Naomi for a good part of the day. I will get that run in though.

1 comment:

Rama Ananth said...

It was good reading through this.


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