Monday, October 9, 2017

The biking nun

Hat day at Maya's school

This one turned 9 months. She looks like baby Josh with a tutu

one of the ArtPrize winners. That is brown water pouring from the fountain. The governor decided that Flint, Michigan which has a large African-American population needed help with its finances. Why buy water from Detroit when you can pump it directly from your own polluted river which as an added bonus was acidic causing more lead in the ageing pipes to dissolve. Another bonus: somehow the filthy water spread Legionnaire's Disease. Lots of lawsuits and cover ups


Fall and wonderful sunsets go together. Steve and my friend in the foreground

When I lived at the old house, a few times on my long runs I would find a nun in full habit running the opposite way on my scenic beauty road. Since Vatican 2, I rarely see nuns in habits much less running ones. There are two convents nearby. Yesterday I was biking down this same road and found a bike white billowing white cloth surrounding it. Was someone dressed as a ghost? The nun, unless she is someone else in her convent, has switched to biking. Hopefully her habit doesn't get stuck in her chain. Also it was a dirt road where it had rained upon the night before. Lots of muddy puddles to splash on her white habit, which would be harder to clean than my lycra get up.

So Indian Summer continues. I harvested my spaghetti and butternut squash, the latter being converted to soup for my friend who should arrive soon. 

Last week was a rather dull week but I have lots planned this week.


Elephant's Child said...

A biking nun would cause some eyebrows to lift here. And indeed I don't remember when I last saw a nun in a habit.
Love the sunset.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am trying to picture a nun in a white habit rising a bike. It does not sound safe.

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

It did not look safe. Flowing things easily get caught up in chains. Years ago when I wore bell bottoms to class (and I biked to class) I would need to wear a rubber band around the leg that there was no chain guard.


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