Friday, October 4, 2019

Three years since my big battle with obesity

I pick up Maya at least once a week (this week twice). We go to the nearby apple orchard

My flower room. Buried among the fake flowers are real orchids. $6 a pot such a deal

This was a fancy chair in a resale shop I went to with my childhood friend. Very expensive and it really wouldn't match anything in my house. I did buy the felted purse on the left

Tessa is growing

the boys of the corn

my folk doll wall with some new additions

our local farm has corn pits too

but Maya likes the horses the best

Allie celebrated her 6th birthday in a trampoline palace. Her little sister jumped for an hour straight. She will be an endurance athlete
It was on the day of Allie's 3rd birthday party 3 years ago that I was struggling to snap some formerly loose jeans. Size 14s at that. I finally got them zipped up with several rolls of fat overlapping the waistband. What had happened to me? I used to be so fit and trim. Well I can rattle off a whole list of reasons (excuses) but this fatness had to stop then. I hated myself too much with it plus there are a myriad of health reasons for why the fat had to go. I developed a plan and pretty much stuck to it. Eight months later I was at my goal weight, which I thought would be impossible. I lost another 12 pounds in the next 3 months. Almost 80 pounds and down to a size 4. A miracle. Yep I went through lots of sizes but I was not going to buy new clothes every time I changed sizes ( I still had some size 10s and 12s around from my thinner days) so I picked up things at resale shops, some quite nice. As it turns out even now the only things I wear not from resale shops are underwear and shoes. I pretty much kept it off for the first two years but now I  am somewhat bigger (though less than my previous goal weight so that's a plus)  With my surgery limiting activity, this summer was hard. It is finally cooler so perhaps I can run further (though my speed is really slow)  And I really need to start limiting wine again.

One way we have amused ourselves was watching Ken Burns "Country Music' a genre which I really never cared for much especially that twangy blue grass stuff. The only country music album I ever bought was Johnny Cash's last one in which he sings modern pop songs such as Nine Inch Nails "hurt". Lots of Johnny Cash in almost every episode. Most of the people I never had heard of. Favorite song title?

It's hard to kiss those lips at night that chew your ass out all day long.


Elephant's Child said...

It is really three years? Congratulations, not only for losing it, but largely keeping it off.
$6 orchids? Underheard of here. It is not uncommon for places to charge that much for a single spray.

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

Unfortunately I am not good with orchids usually drowning them But if kill these I won't feel so bad. I have paid more for cut flowers that sometimes don't last a week


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