Saturday, January 2, 2016

Edison lights and rainbow quinoa

part of my Xmas present from Josh and Julie. These replaced silly , tiny aluminum candles that produced very little light
package of quinoa seeds I bought today. I looked up real photos to see if they were exaggerating the colors and found they are even brighter in real photos. Note this is deer resistant. Will it be bird resistant? Usually grows in Peru at high altitude. We will see if it can grow here

lit-up (they are in dim mode) they produce lots of light
2 layers of painted glass It looks nicer than this photo
half frozen pond on today's walk
cute photo Josh took of Allie

Josh had a dilemma: should he buy the wall sconces that he likes or what he thinks I probably would like. He went with what he would like reluctantly showing me the back-up candidate which yes, I would have preferred. He installed them the other day as Steve is not one for electrical work. But they are a huge improvement over what the sellers had.
Today I spent some time in a garden store mulling over what to buy for my gardens. They had some unusual seeds, ones that I would not  find established plants in nurseries. In my rock garden back at the Albatross, I had California poppies for many years. They reseeded themselves until they stopped one year. They have to be grown from seed as they can't be transplanted but until today, I've had trouble finding the seed. I bought some fancy cosmos and some sweet Williams along with the quinoa and CA poppies
Despite the cold, I've been walking at least an hour every day. Maybe after a week, I can start running again.
On New Year's Eve, we had drinks with some friends. I fell asleep well before midnight. No resolutions for me. How many times have I resolved to lose weight and haven't?

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

I will be interested to hear how you go with the quinoa. Very.


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