Monday, August 3, 2015

Storms and animals

Both  of these shelf cloud photos are from Click-on Detroit from the thumb area. Most of the devastation though was in the NW part of the state with lots of downed trees

I have a lot of monarchs lately Too bad this is out of focus. Also missed opportunity: hummingbird moth on impatiens

We took Allie to the farm center yesterday. Very big sow
She loves petting the animals

I am waiting for my California friend to come as I type. I've been busy. I did my bicycle ride while it was still cool and calm. As the day progressed, it became windy, very humid and hot. The air felt unstable. Indeed later, some tornadoes touched down in the western part of the state. We were treated with high winds and hail. The energy company indicated our old house was in an area of power outages but when Steve checked on the house, the power was on, the new floor was dry. Back here, the wind knocked over everything it could. Lots of my flowers were ripped apart.

Our open house was yesterday. We arrived early to clean the yard up. Our realtor showed up with a minute to spare followed closely by the first viewer. Still no offers despite the many people who go through. Discouraging.

On to Josh's where we went to see the animals. The sheep were panting with their tongues hanging out from the oppressive heat. They needed a shearing.

Later my friend came over and we watched the birds drinking our Blood orange Ales. And then, more Orange is the New Black.

A first this morning: deer in our yard though I know they have been there before as evidenced by my shortened tiger lilies. I just never saw them before. But the storm brought in cool dry air. Perfect for a long run.

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

Those clouds are spectacular.
Beautiful - and dangerous.
Enjoy your run.


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