Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Shorts weather

She is so wiggly, it is hard to take a photo

She came back from her weekend with her father's family with braids. She is holding a 'Real Baby' purchased for Shanna 30 years ago. Its face looks like Chuckie from some scary movie. Naomi was terrified of the doll and now refuses to let Maya take it home. Maya loves it however.

View from the vaporetto coming back from Burano

Murano is in the background

Not a cloud in the sky: San Michele on the island entirely devoted to a cemetery.
Yesterday it was 55 degrees when I went out to run. Radar indicated a storm coming so I ran in a hurry never venturing too far from my house. The storm still hadn't come so I had my last bike ride maybe for the year. The winds picked up to 40-60 mph gusts and the temperatures dropped 20 degrees just like that. Numerous power outages from the high winds but fortunately not here.

I've had a low grade cold  for a week that is mainly irritating at night when I am trying to sleep. I still have plenty of energy to run etc but yesterday I had no voice and could only whisper. I haven't tried to talk today yet.

I heard on the news that Venice is going to outlaw tourists from using rollerbags claiming noise pollution and the ruining of bridges. Fine for using one? $620. They do have plenty of porters offering to carry your bags but it would be impossible to figure out which ones are scam artists and which ones are not. In Bologna, I had to wrestle with these porters trying to grab my bag (and then probably holding them for ransom). It put me on edge as they were so insistent and in my face. So I guess we went to Venice just in time though we probably used the rollerbags  for only 100 feet in the main islands as our hotel was close to the vaporetto stop.

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

I saw the story about the roller bags. Open to abuse I think. Quiet ones are apparently ok...


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