Thursday, September 11, 2014

Healthy Breakfasts

From web:  Steve's hometown and the scene of many visits.Who doesn't remember what exactly they were doing when they heard the news? I was at work listening to NPR while writing stuff in my notebook when they talked about a small plane running into the first tower. The newsperson was puzzled because the weather was so nice and clear. And then they announced the second plane and everyone knew this was no accident
The subject of our monthly Cooking for Wellness was healthy breakfasts at the Cancer Support Community yesterday. I ate several foods that never passed my lips before. Non-gluten pumpkin-cranberry-walnut mini-muffins made with sorghum and coconut flour. Never heard of flour from those items. Corn pancakes (OK but not too exciting) and root vegetable hash with red quinoa. New vegetables for me were celery root and daikon radish which were mixed in with carrots, parsnips, onions and kale. Frankly it sounded awful but it tasted good. As usual, we share our cancer stories. Mine is blessedly boring except it was my cancerversary. Sadly two new people both with stage 4 ovarian cancer were there but were in completely different places. All treatments have failed one lady and she is on hospice. She was hesitant to share lest we become sad. The other lady appeared to have had very early ovarian cancer and had no sign of anything spreading so no chemo, yet a year later, a spot appeared on her lung x-ray. Yep, ovarian cancer again. But it was small and contained in a single lobe, which was removed and then she had chemo. No sign of it returning and she appears healthy but the sad truth is that once a cancer spreads to one place, it probably will pop up in another area though hopefully the chemo took care of any mets.

One of the ladies is going to Italy a few weeks before I do and already made lots of arrangements as opposed to me who is still mulling the options (got lots of books today to help) so we are comparing notes right now so that's fun.

Today, two annoyances. I heard a ping while biking (over smooth pavement). Not long after, I noticed my rear wheel wobbling. Stopping to check, I noticed 3 broken spokes. I had heard a weird ping last week and assumed some how a rock hit the frame but that must have been the other spoke (s) breaking. Now I've ridden the bike less than 200 miles since I had 3 other spokes replaced. When I went to get that tire fixed (I had a flat), they told me I must have really ridden the bike hard. Since I had gone down hills very fast hitting all sorts of bumps, I couldn't deny it. But this time, no hard riding. I think the wheel is fundamentally flawed. I rode my other bike 6000 miles without anything like this happening. And guess what? What ever I hit with my rear tire, I hit first with the front tire and it is fine. So back to the store to complain.

Later I come home to a complaint from the city saying we have 72 hours to clear vegetation that is encroaching the bike path in back. Well this vegetation is on the city's easement so I would think it's their responsibility as it is their vegetation. So annoying. When they first put the bike path in, the neighbors made the mayor agree we would not be responsible for its upkeep (snow removal) as we all have sidewalks in front to deal with and that was agreed to. We were all issued citations one year until we were able to produce that letter. The city does cut the grass back there.

I saw Shanna and two of the grandbabies today though Daniel asked several times when was I going to leave. Still mad about me making him play outside I guess. Then I attempted to make a coconut curry soup using the rest of my peppers and cauliflower. Two mistakes: I used two packages of galanga lime curry mix so its flavor was overwhelming and I used mung bean noodles so its a slippery mess.

The realtor that messed up our deal with the house we rescinded an offer on keeps e-mailing Steve with listings that Steve (not me apparently) should see. We had hired him because he was Josh's friend and he did a good job selling Josh's house but sadly he does not have enough experience to deal with houses that we might be interested in. Steve finally e-fired him today.

Grandbabies from the past few days:

1 comment:

Elephant's Child said...

A very mixed bag today. The grandbabies have to help.
Hope your weekend improves.


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