Monday, April 14, 2014

Snowy Owl

Audubon's Snowy Owls
Sadly a reproduction of the original plate. The original, according to Antique Roadshow would be worth some bucks
On my long to-do list is to get a frame and mount my Snowy Owl print. This year, there has been an excess of snowy owls such they have ventured further south to hunt. Unfortunately, the wide open spaces of airports appeal to them, especially Logan Airport so they have had to be relocated. I have yet to see an owl out in the wild though I have heard them..on my bucketlist. Recently on Facebook, there is a short video about owls that is fairly funny. See
Hope the link works.
A cold front is coming through dropping yesterdays high of close to 80 down into the 20s. Lots of wind.I've been able to run and bike quite a bit. Also I've able to quiet my inner nag a bit as I finally finished a project. When I go on a trip, I generally make a photobook shortly thereafter but I do take many photos in between trips. These photos are all over the place so it took a while to put them into one folder.
Yesterday a car stopped in front of our house and someone ran up and dropped an envelope and then quickly disappeared into the car. It was my missing calendar that was lost 3 months ago!! I am guessing that the mailman delivered it to the wrong house and these people just kept it for that long. I had assumed someone just threw it away. The other day, the dyslexic mailman handled Steve a whole pile of mail; all of it meant for someone else. As for the calendar, the company that makes them quickly sent a replacement but insisted I provide them with a different address.

The rain that was forecasted for yesterday did not come so we were able to sit outside comfortably sipping wine last night. Too early for bugs. And then to watch a new show True Detectives. Nice and dark.

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