Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Bath begonia gardens. I am in there some where
Again we are in the midst of a polar vortex. Current windchill minus 33. Even UM is closed for the first time since Jan 1978 (I do remember that blizzard in which we couldn't leave the house for 3 days due to so much snow). Presumably the Y classes are cancelled when the schools are  closed but Ann Arbor schools were going to be closed anyway for the end of the semester. Allie's daycare is closed so we will go watch her so the mom can work.

On the immediate left: my view from my window

The theme of this week: baby sitting.

Last night we had the boys and Tessa. Sadly, one of Ramy's groomsmen died Sunday, a cousin, leaving 3 very young ones. He had been feeling ill for about 3 weeks thinking it was a combination of the flu and baby sleep deprivation. A week ago, he goes to the doctor. The next day: the ER where he was admitted.Turns out he had leukemia and a raging, uncontrollable infection. They had a viewing just for family. I assume there will be a funeral  and Shanna has some appointments coming up. So our services are needed.

As it was a toasty 8 degrees in the morning (only getting colder as the day progressed) I found a path to run. We had yet again a few more inches of fresh snow so I got an upper body workout too.

Back to organizing things. My favorite: editing old photos. Fun to remember when I was in a place all green and full of flowers compared to the all white landscape outside.: From our England trip:

Steve came across this scary swarm in Canterbury

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