I've been trying to keep myself as occupied as possible during the last few days plus spend time with Oliver and Shanna, who are on a plane back to Boston as I write this.
Friday Olga watched Oliver so that we could go out to lunch babyfree at the Macaroni Grill followed by gelato and shoe shopping for Shanna. Josh came over to tweak his presentation that he has to give tomorrow to his department and higher-ups to about 400 people. Karen came over later with wine and beautiful flowers that replaced some of the sagging ones received earlier. Shanna, Karen and I shared several bottles and Olga- made babaganoush-it was a nice time.
Yesterday Naomi worked in Dexter and we all went to lunch after we picked her up after her shift. I was too tired to do much or eat. Shanna then went to her in-laws for the umpteenth time returning with more Arab goodies that are meant for Ramy but with the current luggage restrictions and travelling with the car seat and stroller, there is no way she can bring the stuff back to Boston. Our refrigerator is full of this stuff. Ramy's step mom isn't as good as a cook as the mother.Shanna and I went out to dinner by ourselves. It was fine but she definitely doesn't want to hear anything about my cancer.
I've run almost 12 miles over the last few days. My endurance is returning and I've been wearing a second too tight bra that stops alot of the bounce so I don't have to hold my chest as I ran. It has been sunny and cool-perfect for running but chilly for sitting on my patio.
I've been reading all I can about triple negative bc. On the website, it seems most of the people on it have the BRAC1 mutation. On the side the people have inherited it, they have hardly any relatives that died of 'old age'. Lots of women with this mutation just have preventative mastectomies and ovary removal but they still can get breast cancer in the chest wall and metatheses.
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