Sunday, August 6, 2023



The house at dawn
I planted the peppers and tomatoes in patio pots to keep an eye on them. Since I was gone on vacation during planting season, things had a late start but I have harvested plenty of yellow squash, Swiss card, zucchini and cucumbers. I made tasty refrigerator pickles with the latter

Some seeds I save year to year like zinnias orange cosmos and nasturtium 

Inside of a poppy

A new plant for me: the popcorn plant. Its leaves smell like popcorn 

This is a closeup of one of my orchids. I think it looks like an eagle

As you can tell, I have a lot of gardens and much time is spent keeping it relatively weed free and trimmed. I lost a lot of plants over the winter. Also I learned that I should never grow fennel and dill near each other as they cross pollinate yielding something that smells like neither. pulled out a trash bag of these mutants

I also spend lots of time biking and running getting slower and slower. I will talk about more fun things in another post


Elephant's Child said...

Love that dawn sky and am admiring your work in the garden. I seem to be fighting a losing battle against the weeds here.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful yard! I have wanted to do a family photo session for years. Great photos of your family! Kris

Snowbrush said...

Your photos are lovely, and your yard so large that I wounder if you hire people to do some things.

I live in a 1955 house that is near downtown and has what I would consider a fair size yard. People here who live in much newer--and much more expensive--houses have yards that are less than half the size of mine. In my downtown area--and in the Willamette Valley as a whole, there's a push to level downtown homes and replace them with multi-story units.

Anonymous said...

How are you? Kris

Snowbrush said...

I remember that I enjoyed this lovely post although I either didn't comment or you have yet to approve my comment. I hope you post again soon.

Snowbrush said...

Hey, kiddo. This post has been up for months, and I've left at least one comment to it, so it worries me that you've been away from your blog so long. Please leave your readers a word to let us know you're okay.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kris and Snowbrush. I’m fine just very very behind. I even forgot how to respond to comments as it has been so long. I hadn’t even opened blogger until today

Anonymous said...

We do all the work ourselves although someone comes to spread fertilizer. it takes Steve about 4 hours a week to mow even with his zero turn lawn mower as there are trees and other obstacles that need a string trimmer. I spend countless hours planting and weeding but now it’s winter and I will try to focus inside


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