Monday, January 13, 2020

so far this year

our granddog came to visit. She is now 7 months old. Our Christmas tree frightened her

our annual Moms party coinciding with meeting for forty years. We were originally a post partum support group

I made a flourless almond chocolate torte I overcooked it so I am not happy with it

selfie of my fishnets. I have 12 pair of different patterns. Lacking places to wear them

Hannah celebrated her birthday over 2 weekends

I forced some bulbs to bloom. When these die down, I'll plant others

we finally sold this car. We got it almost 13 years ago we were still working though we knew ours jobs were in jeopardy. We actually bought two of these in one day. Josh eventually paid us for the other

at Hannah's Frozen themed party, there was face painting. New haircut or Tess

Prince Anna showed up at the party to sing and play gams

Hannah and her family

the party guests. Oliver thought he as too old to participate
So we are in our second month of drab winter though last week was unseasonably warm so I was able to bicycle and run. Right now my potential path is covered with ice as it was yesterday. It might melt this afternoon. If not, back down to our basement with the elliptical trainer again which is boring despite my music.
  • Wineless January.  This seems to be on everyone's list but in my case, I really need to cut back. So far I have been just been having wine on Saturday. Do Bloody Marys count? Well at least they have a bit of nutrition. I blame my weight gain on that surgery in July. I was able to stay within a few pounds of my goal for two years but now I am a size 8, not a size 4. Now my former self trying to squeeze into  size 14s would be happy with that and I don't think anyone would call me overweight but I want to be thin. Starches are also off my list again.
  • new iWatch. The cold was making my current watch black out before I was finished exercising. Also would not last the whole day on very long bike rides. The newer watch has a better battery. Steve had been tired of me whining and had got me one for our anniversary. Alas the box had been empty and I was told to wait. He waited for my usual complaining the other day and gave me a full box this time. As Shanna isn't so demanding of  watches, the old watch is now on her wrist.
  • can now park our other car in the garage. as we have a 4+car garage, we probably could have done this earlier with some rearranging. Our original buyer fell through but Josh marketed it at work and we soon had a taker. As Steve keeps reminding me, it was in better shape than our new car no dings or dents despite its age and 6 months in Naomi's hands)
  • mystery dent and hole in new car. Steve just noticed this yesterday and immediately blamed me though he had been the last one to drive it and drives it much more than I do. We didn't take this car to NYC because he was sure it would get banged up there (though we might have been spared the tire fiasco of the old car). My crime was parking it in Ann Arbor though in a huge spot. I did see from a distance an Amazon delivery truck double parked beside it. It looks like a spike went through the bumper. Meanwhile he has a habit of pulling into a parking spot too deep and hitting the cement thingy. We blame each other for this. I think he thinks I am lying but I am not.
  • new computer. This one I am typing on is really old and buggy but it has all my programs that I am not sure I can load on my new one sitting right next to me. I have a few things to finish before I switch over.
  • put most of the Christmas stuff away. As I have three trees, this took a while
  • finally used the  air fryer that we 've had for 2 years. Can make things crispy with a minimum of fat. Now that it is on our counter, we will use it more often


Elephant's Child said...

Love the snippets from your year.
Cut yourself some slack. From my perspective a size eight sounds pretty damn good.

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

I am fearing the slippery slope. A few pounds here, a few more pounds there and soon I am fat again. And as fat is a source of estrogen, I need to keep it at a minimum to cut down on my cancer risk

It breaks my heart what is happening in your country with those dreadful fires. So much loss!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue, You will lose the added pounds with your determination. I have changed my diet to plant based, no dairy, caffeine, alcohol, meat/fish, no salt. It is vegan and it has been easier than I thought to eat this way, never hungry. I purchased the book Eat to Live and follow the Krocks in the kitchen (YouTube) People will follow the six week plan listed in the book and then gradually add in meat/fish, etc. after the weight loss. Or, they stay with the vegan lifestyle.
You motivated me to change my dietary habits, so, Thank You!

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

Good luck with this Kris I don't have much meat in my diet but I would have a hard time giving up my coffee, Greek yogurt and my cheese. I'm still afraid to get on my scale..maybe when my clothes feel a bit looser.

Snowbrush said...

Of course Bloody Marys don't count! Look at the name; they're a transfusion, and who couldn't use a bit more blood. I'm coming for Kaya! Gotta have that dog, and if my cats don't like it, they can move to Michigan.

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

On planes, I always ask for Bloody Mary Mix. Much tastier than the other options.


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